Birds in Delhi(India)
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Sunday, December 24, 2017
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Long legged Buzzard
This is one of the largest species of Buteo. Length can range from 50 to 66 cm (20 to 26 in) and wingspan from 115 to 160 cm (45 to 63 in). Females, at an average mass of 1.3 kg (2.9 lb), are larger than males, at an average of 1.1 kg (2.4 lb).[2][3] There are many different colour forms, but usually long-leggeds have a clear orange tint to the plumage, red or orange tail, pale head and largely white underwings. There is usually a distinctive black carpal patch and dark trailing edge to the wing. The rump and "trousers" are often dark or deep rufous. Plumage varies from ghostly pale individuals to very dark ones. Some plumages are almost similar to those of the steppe buzzard, the eastern subspecies of the common buzzard (Buteo buteo vulpinus), but long-legged buzzards have longer wings and are more like rough-legged buzzards or even a small Aquila eagle.[2][3]
Distribution and habitat[edit]
It inhabits dry open plains of northern Africa, southeastern Europe, west and central Asia east to China, and across central India. Recent sightings indicate that there is a small population in the Apulian region of south-eastern Italy. Open, uncultivated areas, with high bushes, trees, cliffs or hillocks are favoured as nesting areas. Younger birds disperse north of breeding grounds and there are records from Northern Europe. The breeding population in Greece is around 60 pairs.[4]
Reforestation in the Judean Mountains in Israel is displacing populations of the long-legged buzzard, and the species is moving into the Judean Foothills and competing with the short-toed snake eagle there.[5]
It feeds mostly on small rodents, although it will also take lizards, snakes, small birds and large insect. REF==== WIKIPEDIA
Friday, April 14, 2017
Lessar white throted Warbler
Unlike many typical warblers, the sexes are almost identical. This is a small species with a grey back, whitish underparts, a grey head with a darker "bandit mask" through the eyes and a white throat. It is slightly smaller than the whitethroat, and lacks the chestnut wings and uniform head-face color of that species. The lesser whitethroat's song is a fast and rattling sequence of tet or che calls, quite different from the whitethroat's scolding song.
Friday, December 30, 2016
Long Tailed Minivet
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Common Rose Finch
first time seen a group of Rose Finch plucking "Sahtoot" near Rajghat, Delhi.
The common rosefinch is 13–15 cm (5.1–5.9 in) in length. It has a stout and conical bill. The mature male has brilliant rosy-carmine head, breast and rump; heavy bill; dark brown wings with two indistinct bars, and a white belly. Females and young males are dull-colored with yellowish-brown above, brighter on the rump and greyer on head; buff below. Ref ===Wikipedia
Photo 1st April 2016, New Delhi
Monday, March 14, 2016
Wolly necked stork
Wooly necked Stork===Najafgarh Delhi===March 2016
The woolly-necked stork is a large bird, typically 85 cm tall. It is glistening black with black "skull cap", white neck and white lower belly. The upper parts are glossed dark green, and the breast and belly have a purple hue.It has long red legs and a heavy, blackish bill. Sexes are alike. Juvenile birds are duller versions of the adult. Ref===========Wikipedia
Black Francolin
The black francolin (Francolinus francolinus) is a gamebird in the pheasant family Phasianidae of the order Galliformes, gallinaceous birds. It was formerly known as the Black Partridge. It is the state bird of Haryana state, India.
Francolins normally nests in a bare ground scrape from late March to May. The male may be seen standing on a rock or low tree attracting attention with its extraordinary creaking call. It may be heard all day long in April, during nesting, and less persistently in March and May as well as the summer months. Both parents tend chicks after hatching. Young stay with parents through their first winter. The most likely breeding locations Savanna, Grasslands, Scrub vegetation areas under the cultivated crops. They have a loud call during the breeding season.
Photo 12th March, Najafgarh Drain Delhi
Friday, March 11, 2016
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Monday, February 15, 2016
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Marsh Harrier
The western marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus), often simply called the marsh harrier, breeds widely across Europe and Asia . It is migratory except in the mildest regions, and winters mainly in Africa. It hunts small mammals, frogs , fish , insects and birds, surprising them as it drifts low over fields and reedbeds.
Its long legs allow it to pluck frogs and fish from the water mid-swoop. The western marsh harrier is a typical harrier, with long wings held in a shallow V in its low flight. It also resembles other harriers in having distinct male and female plumages, but its plumages are quite different from those of its relatives.
The male has wings with grey and brown sections and black wingtips. Its head, tail and underparts are greyish, except for the chestnut belly. The female is mainly brown with a cream crown and cream leading edge to her wings. It is 19-22 inches long and weighs 1-2 lbs.==============
REF Wikipedia========
A lifer for e When seen in Yamuna Bio Diversity Park Delhi=== Dec 27 2015, Delhi
Friday, January 8, 2016
Ferruginous Duck
The ferruginous duck, also ferruginous pochard (Aythya nyroca) is a medium-sized diving duckfrom Eurasia .The species is known colloquially by birders as "fudge duck".
Their breeding habitat is marshes and lakes with a metre or more water depth.These ducks breed in southern and eastern Europe and southern and western Asia.They are somewhat migratory, and winter farther south and into north Africa.
The adult male is a rich chestnut colour with a darker back and a yellow eye.The pure white undertail helps to distinguish this species from the somewhat similar tufted duck .The female is similar but duller, and with a dark eye.
These are gregarious birds, forming large flocks in winter, often mixed with other diving ducks, such as tufted ducks and common pochards.Hybrids between this species and the common pochard are sometimes referred to as "Paget's pochard".
These birds feed mainly by diving or dabbling.They eat aquatic plants with some molluscs , aquatic insects and small fish.They often feed at night, and will upend ( Source WIKIPEDIA)
These elusive bird found in Yamuna Bio Diversity Park. IUCN category== NearThreatenedPhoto === Dec 22, 2015 Yamuna Bio Diversity Park, Delhi
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Deer Park Delhi
Deer Park Delhi lake attracts migratory bird passing through Southern Ridge. I visited the park along with my friend to just check and quite surprised to see approx 60 Northern Shovler (Centre , having beak like shovel, green neck,head ) Northern Pintail 4 ( 1st ,a distinctive white lie/patch from neck ,choclate head ) and a single Grey lag Geese ( 3 , beak pink Color .
Hope to see more species in Jan 2016================== Photo 27 Dec 2015, Delhi
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